The Weight Loss Trials

Thursday, January 31, 2008

What makes a man try to kill himself?

Seeing an uptick on the scale, that's what.

So I'm only down 25 pounds for January, but I'm trying to do that again in February.

I'll admit I had a bad "final week." I was supposed to be shaking my way to my adjusted goal of 32, but something came up.

This big ass project I've been stressing over at work.

Seriously, If I'm not writing, I'm interviewing. If I'm not interviewing, I'm audiotaping. If I'm not audiotaping, I'm re-interviewing. But it'll be over soon.

I've been putting in extra hours trying to get it done, and working hard to make sure there's some impression I'm doing my daily work. My editor says to me the other night: "Marlon, that's what it's like in a newsroom." Yeah, sure. But the people who work during the daytime aren't stretched thin like me.

But I'll survive.

My goal in February is another 25 pounds. If I meet the goal, I'll have to walk around with an epi pin to stop the swelling. Best believe the swagger will be on bump!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

We got the beat!

It's Tuesday, and I've been to the gym twice already. Thanks to some clean gym clothes.

I dunno why it's the way it is, but I can't stand to roll up in the gym with yesterday's sweat lines and everything else. It's like I feel underdressed.

Walking into the gym is more like the back room at a fashion show. The black woman up front, her hair pinned so close to her scalp she looks like she has brush waves. The white guy with the salt and pepper hair on the weight bench, his new track suit looking like it was bought specifically for today.

Then you have me, pushing myself to the limit on the arc trainer, sweating like I'm in the sauna, guzzling water like it's going out of style (and it is, here in North Carolina, but I digress).

Update: I checked my measurements yesterday and got really excited, but I was too tired to post. I lost 2 inches off my waist, 3.5 off the stomach, 2 off the thighs, 2.5 off the chest. PR in April is about to be somethin else!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Hittin the round robbin

Hey folks,

I never gave up, just took a bit of time away from the blog. Since my daily job is writing, I get a little overwhelmed sometimes.

Think about writing three news stories, then coming here to give the good people an update... lol

I'm down about 25 lbs since Jan. 2, which has been no small feat in itself. I've been doing more working out, and a lot less eating out.

I ran into a snag this week when I realized both of my workout shirts and pants were dirty. As hell.

I looked around in panic like a white girl in a horror movie, struggling to find something that would remotely resemble what I usually work out in.

It was useless.

So far, I haven't been to the gym in three days because of some bullshit that I've been chalking up to lack of time.

I'll get there. As soon as I get to the laundromat. Or the nearest Ross.