The Weight Loss Trials

Saturday, November 26, 2005

I need to quit my job...

Something's not right. Every time I come in this place, there seems to be temptation surrounding me.

From the first day I got here, people were paying for lunch, taking me out and even filling the little green plastic pumpkin with chocolate delights (they know Reese's is my thang!)

Today was no different.

"Apple pie by the rdbks. help yourself."

Now, come on! I was just tellin somebody I was feenin fo some apple pie like Bobby's feenin fo anotha hit!

Get outta my head.

And, apple pie, get into my belly!

(OK, so I'm staying away from it. But that's just because it's 10 a.m.)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

UH UH, don't touch that...

Potato chips.

Fruit punch.

Strawberry milk.

Regardless of the reason, every time I go to the store, I get something I shouldn't.

THis time, it was this big ass bag of Sun Chips. I needed something to snack on before I went to bed (since I didn't have time - or energy - to make dinner).

I have to get a grip on this whole shopping thing. It could derail me.

More later...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Today was a non cheating day.

I need to be broke more often.

You know how you go to WallyWorld, buy up all this "good for you" stuff, then, when you pass the first Mickey D's, go straight for it?

If not, now you know my routine.

When I leave the gym, I'm usually hungry. What's a double cheeseburger off the dollar menu really gonna do?

From the looks of it, a whole lot.

I woke up, grabbed a yogurt out of the fridge, relaxed a second, and headed to the gym. I burned off 700 calories on the elliptical machine and did my crunches. Then I came to work. Didn't eat any candy out of the dish (it was empty) and went home and had two baked porkchops and a bunch of veggies. Dude at Bally told me not to eat for up to 6 hours before I go to bed. I'mma try that, and see if it helps.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Stage 1 - Stop eating that...

Today I made it up in my mind to take charge for what I'm trying to do.

I wanna lose weight.

Not just any weight - a lot of it.

60 lbs isn't a bad goal when you're 335. YES, I SAID IT. This is the closest I can get to saying it out loud, so here it is.

I've been going to the gym for the last two months with little results.

I'm restructuring my gym routines (since my sister hasn't been able to go with me, albeit we were in two different states talking via cell phone).

Here's my list of things that I wanna accomplish by Jan. 1, 2006:

*Get on an eating regimen that requires me to cut bread from my diet.
*Stop eating so late at night.
*Stop binging on things that I know I shouldn't be eating (so much of).
*Start doing more cardio.

With this, I'd be fine. I just have to stick by it.

Wish me luck.