The Weight Loss Trials

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Today was a non cheating day.

I need to be broke more often.

You know how you go to WallyWorld, buy up all this "good for you" stuff, then, when you pass the first Mickey D's, go straight for it?

If not, now you know my routine.

When I leave the gym, I'm usually hungry. What's a double cheeseburger off the dollar menu really gonna do?

From the looks of it, a whole lot.

I woke up, grabbed a yogurt out of the fridge, relaxed a second, and headed to the gym. I burned off 700 calories on the elliptical machine and did my crunches. Then I came to work. Didn't eat any candy out of the dish (it was empty) and went home and had two baked porkchops and a bunch of veggies. Dude at Bally told me not to eat for up to 6 hours before I go to bed. I'mma try that, and see if it helps.


  • yo, man you must keep your metabolism up. that means fruits like apples or bananas before bedtime, or something small like yogurt and cottage cheese (mouthwash afterwards) maybe an hour to two hours before bed. why would you skip eating for 6 hours, than get 6-8 hours of sleep? that's detrimental. i was 6ยด, 380lbs when i got to famu at 18. now, i'm 6'1, 220 at 28. it's a struggle, man, but worth it. much success to you, rattler.

    By Blogger Karamale, at 2:52 PM  

  • I think the first thing to do is think of your eating habits as an additional investment. You're essentially wasting that expensive ass gym membership if you continue to eat the first thing that catches your nose. You'll see much better results if you sigh and drive past McD's, etc. instead of stopping. And you'll get to pat yourself on the back for your strength. Just don't stop at the Wendy's. All of those eating suggestions work for me, too. But you have to switch it up so your tastebuds don't get bored.

    By Blogger Jameil, at 4:55 PM  

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