The Weight Loss Trials

Monday, July 10, 2006

I'm weak...

OK, so I quit the damn thing on Saturday.

I couldn't do it. I was mentally weak. And the pancakes were calling me. I didni't prepare myself for all I was going to be handling. Then the girls started coming up with Scarlet Fever-type symptoms.

I don't know what I'll do next. I may do it again. I just know Friday wasn't the right time for me to start anything.

Maybe it's tomorrow. Either way, I'm still on my health kick.

Haters be damned!

Friday, July 07, 2006

So I'm going it alone...

My Boy bailed on me. Said something about not being able to because of a full travel sked.

And the girls are dropping like Flies.

I'm thinking of starting over Monday.

I feel like I rushed it.

I just found out how much I had to drink of this nonsense.

Nobody told me I'd be walking around looking like Tyrone the crackhead by the mouth!

Cayenne Pepper is some shyt that needs to stay in Emeril foods, ONLY!

But I'll be fine. I think...

Did I do something wrong?

The pepper floating at the bottom of the bottle. The delightful smell. The "not so delightful" taste.

Must mean I've begun, right?

Yeah, I slurped up my tea, to the gall of my dwelling's occupants, and prepared two bottles of the "pissy looking" stuff for inhaling throughout the day.

Master P said it best: I'm a sipper. All the way.

I'm just wondering how this will affect my workout regimen?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

10 days... no food... no pressure. Sigh.

"NO LEMON JUICE," Master Peach screams through the IM screen, telling me what I'll need to join them, unofficially on my journey through the process that is The Master Cleanser.

I'm actually doing it wit Dizyaboy, but I decided to hit the girls up to see how they've been doing since they officially started in random jaunts over the past few days.

I'm not ready for this. But my wallet is. I don't plan on going grocery shopping for a few days, and the haters are already starting to talk shit and attempt to deter the process. I'm in my zone tho. And my pockets are telling me this couldn't have come at a better time.

It starts tomorrow.

And I'm starting to get all jittery. Not like I'm missing that last Big Mac, but like "will I see this through?"

I lost 25 lbs in the first few months of the year, but quickly gained them back. My clothes were the biggest losers in that aspect. Now I'm trying to get back in the $300 worth of clothes I bought earlier this year that I can't quite fit right now.

Wish me luck!