The Weight Loss Trials

Monday, February 27, 2006

88 bottles of beer on the wall...

So I'm getting closer to my trip and not much is happening in the weight department. I think I've stalled. But I'm still working out 4 days a week and trying to eat better.

I've been taking the weekends off to sort of reward myself for a job well done. But I'm going to stop that for a month.

From now til March 28, I'm giving up sweets and things til I get to where I wanna be.

Hopefully, this will have some drastic results.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Hell to the Naw!

I got on the scale today and something snapped in my mind to put it at 0 and see if it's equal.

It wasn't.

I'm 7 lbs heavier than I thought I was.

I'm pissy as hell right now.

The gym should give me $20 for every pound because this nigga is SICK!

At least, I think I'm gonna be.

Now I'm 40 lbs away from where I wanna be.

It sucks. But I'm on my grind.

And I have a new goal for the total amount of weight I want to lose.

July 15, 2006.

It's three weeks shy of this year's family reunion.

Wish me luck.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Desparate Times...

OK, so I'm more than 30 lbs short of where I wanted to be when I embarked on my big trip to Jamaica for the big 2-5, so I'm kicking up my calorie drop/weight loss kick jus a scoutch...

I'm starting Slim Fast tomorrow.

Yeah, it's cliche now, but hell, it's a quick meal (twice in the day) and I can still find time to make myself a great dinner.

I'm not doing the shakes twice a day on the days I work out (because I got a kitchen full o groceries and I know how I like to go to the gym and kill myself), but I'm gonna make this a 7-day thing.

The trainer at the gym said I can lose anywhere from 4-9 lbs a week in a healthy way, so I'mma take him up on that challenge. I'm not spending the $800 he wanted to put me in his hands twice a week, but I will venture to parts unknown with the $75 a month I'm payin Bally right now.

Slim Fast will be cheaper ($2 a can) and simpler (I've been forgetting to eat lunch at work). Plus, it's 180 calories in one meal! Who can beat that?

Monday, February 13, 2006

Things are going well.

I put on an outfit that I hadn't worn in about... this year... and it fit better than it used to. I used to get annoyed at the outline of my stomach showing up through this shirt I like. It's not there anymore. I'm doing the whole 4X a week workout thing, and the calories have been cut to about 2,000 (I'm thinking of going lower), and things couldn't be better. I eat out on the weekends (if I feel like it) and it's working magically. I can't wait for May 18!