The Weight Loss Trials

Monday, February 20, 2006

Desparate Times...

OK, so I'm more than 30 lbs short of where I wanted to be when I embarked on my big trip to Jamaica for the big 2-5, so I'm kicking up my calorie drop/weight loss kick jus a scoutch...

I'm starting Slim Fast tomorrow.

Yeah, it's cliche now, but hell, it's a quick meal (twice in the day) and I can still find time to make myself a great dinner.

I'm not doing the shakes twice a day on the days I work out (because I got a kitchen full o groceries and I know how I like to go to the gym and kill myself), but I'm gonna make this a 7-day thing.

The trainer at the gym said I can lose anywhere from 4-9 lbs a week in a healthy way, so I'mma take him up on that challenge. I'm not spending the $800 he wanted to put me in his hands twice a week, but I will venture to parts unknown with the $75 a month I'm payin Bally right now.

Slim Fast will be cheaper ($2 a can) and simpler (I've been forgetting to eat lunch at work). Plus, it's 180 calories in one meal! Who can beat that?


  • do not do the slim fast route! DO NOT DO IT.

    By Blogger nikki, at 5:49 PM  

  • Good luck with that. I tried the meal replacement bars once, just because I kept forgetting my lunch and figured why the hell not, and I just ended up eating more food later when I got home. Just be careful.

    By Blogger T Dot, at 7:09 PM  

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