The Weight Loss Trials

Monday, January 23, 2006

Week One went...

OK, so I (tried) to get to the gym four times. I (tried) not to eat any pastas, crackers, breads and whatnot til my one cheat day.

I failed miserably.

Thursday I went to the cafeteria next to the workplace and got some soup. They had blackbean soup. Of course they have the rice right next to it. Since I hadn't eaten, I threw some in.

And I had crackers with it. And with the chili I had for dinner that day.

Friday I did well. Saturday was the cheat day.

Still, I'm seeing subtle differences. I'm still trying to get into my "outfit" I bought to wear once I was able to fit it comfortably. I can fit all in my closet, but if I wore this out in public, somebody would crack on me. You can see the outline of my belly in the shirt.

Paris Hilton says: "That's not hot."

I went to the gym four times. How many times did I go in?


When I got there at 7:30 Saturday morning, I planned on getting right on the treadmill and going to work. They didn't open until 8. And I had to be at work at 9. (Note to self: Bally's hours suck on the weekend.)

We'll try again this week.

Mondays, cardio, stomach, legs
Tuesdays, cardio, arms, chest
Wednesdays, relax.
Thursdays, cardio, stomach, legs
Fridays, cardio, arms, chest
Saturdays, go if you missed a day of the week.
Sundays, relax.


  • I am right there with you is my first day back at the gym since I twisted my knee in early december and during that time I gained an additional 10-15 lbs so now I need to work it I feel you on the diet plans.

    By Blogger antneya, at 10:33 AM  

  • First time at the blog but I will be back cause I'm on this whole I need to get into some better clothes movement as well....take care

    By Blogger Ms.Honey, at 2:16 PM  

  • Well man don't beat yourself up. You have to ease yourself into working out and eating right. If you could jump right in and do it, then you would have done it before. It's a lifestyle change.

    Just my thoughts.

    By Blogger WiseYoungMan, at 1:43 PM  

  • Marlon, Hang in there man. I can tell you that it can be done, and you'll love the results. But it requires a strict regimen. My goal was to lose about 20+ lbs. Once I got started, I kept going (with my doctor's permission). Over a 16 month period, I eventually lost 70 lbs. Went from a 42 waist to a 30-31. The new wardrobe cost me a fortune! Be encouraged and make it work for you. Shem hotep. I will email you a picture that tells the story. Shem hotep.

    By Blogger Avowed_Southern_Democrat, at 8:21 AM  

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