The Weight Loss Trials

Monday, January 02, 2006

Went tothe gym

Today, my eating habits are off the hook. I made banana pudding last night (momma was playin games while she was here). It was too much mix and not enough cookies to sop it up, so needless to say, I ended up eating two cupfuls of juice to make it get right.

Weighed in again. This time it said a little less than the last time. My starting point is 340 (this is what I'mma say -- It's actually lower than that). My goal is the same: by eating better, targeting my habit for eating late hours of the night and not enough in the morning, I plan to lose 65 pounds.

Wish me luck!


  • I wanted to write and say I read your comment on Lost in translation, and thought it was the only piece of sanity on the site.

    Please go to my website. I will be discussing weight loss this week. Please email me. I'd like to create an e-network and help motivate each other to our fitness goals.

    Bernard Bradshaw
    Sex and the Second City.COM

    By Blogger Bernard Bradshaw, at 8:22 PM  

  • You'll definitely get there. Good luck in the New Year with your quest.

    By Blogger E, at 11:43 PM  

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