The Weight Loss Trials

Friday, October 21, 2011

What's on the menu?

I'm in "heavily monitored" mode while I'm in Tucson for the USTA League National Championships. That means low sodium, lots of water and veggies, no bread.

Did I just write that?

I'm trying to feel good all weekend. In Iowa for the regional tourney, I ate too much to recoup for calories lost, and ended up moving like a slug during my last match.

My doctor also warned me about keeping tabs on what I eat. He's as confused as I am about why I'm not losing weight with all the activity, hence why they're checking my thyroid.

I'm still feeling fatigue, so I haven't seen the gym too much. Though I did pull out the Wii to get a few hours in during the week. And I'm still walking with Charlie.

All I know is I haven't gained any weight. That's a small victory right there.


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