The Weight Loss Trials

Friday, April 04, 2008

A little behind...

April 2
Oatmeal — 250
Chicken salad (with vinagrette dressing) — 380
2 chicken sandwiches — 940 (wowza!)
granola bar — 90

April 3

salad — 250
a Big Mac — 560
grilled chicken with squash and spaghetti sauce (don't sleep on it!) — 340
2 granola bars — 190

April 4

Trip to Golden Corral — 950
Salad with shrimp (vinaigrette dressing) — 350
Sweet tea — 350

RALEIGH — There seems to be no way of getting around fast food.

If a news event comes up where I'm going to be tied up for an extended period of time, going home for that healthy meal I prepared is out of the question.

Let's face it, the granola bars can only hold me for so long.

This week, we've dealt with six deaths and one shooting victim. That's meant a lot of eating on the go with no end in sight.

I find myself working harder in the gym after I've been denied my basic right of a lunch break though. It works to balance out what's going on.

At least, that's what I keep telling myself.

Anybody got a tip to handle a busy day? I filled up my extra storage compartment with twizzlers and granola bars in case it looked like lunch would come later. And yeah, I know there are more healthier options at fast food places. Usually my wallet's empty, which means the 2 bucks I do have will go for something on the dollar menu. Can you show me something healthy on the dollar menu? Me, either.

On the bright note, I've lost 5 pounds as of today. My goal is to drop 20 more before May 1. Let's see how next week — and 5 days in Puerto Rico — affect my chances.


  • Puerto Rico? Take me with you.

    It's good that you're keeping a food diary.

    Something healthy at the dollar menu? Hmmm. I guess the strawberries and blueberries (assuming they're not processed) inside the parfait may be considered healthy...:-)

    By Blogger E, at 1:15 AM  

  • Any updates?

    By Blogger E, at 8:31 PM  

  • I havent been to you r spot in a minute. I wonder hows the Weight loss coming along. I keep gaining an Losing I hope you having better luck then me pimpn

    By Blogger Promiscuous X, at 3:33 PM  

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