The Weight Loss Trials

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tell me something...

What inspires you to lose weight?

I know there are people out there who do quick diets in time for vacations, weddings, holidays, picture days and even to welcome the "beach season" with open arms.

Who are you doing it for?

Most people say they wanna lose weight for themselves, but I think in the back of our minds, we're doing it to get back at somebody, to prove someone wrong, to make sure somebody knows what they passed on and etc.

I just wanted to know, since I'm puttin all my business out there. It makes me feel better when we share with each other... lol


  • I'm mostly doing it for myself. You are right in that there may have been other motivations, such as being able to be a catch to a guy's eye. But I know if I put it all on doing it for someone else, especially someone I'm seeing, if that person goes away, where will the motivation come from? So I have to keep it inside of me and realize that ultimately I'm doing it for me.

    By Blogger E, at 1:56 AM  

  • Honestly, I do it for me. I like feeling good and I like looking good - physically - for myself. It makes me more confident and secure in general. Yes, it does feel good when exes, etc. look and say DAMN I'm missin' out on all that...but that's not my motivation and had it been, I'd probably given the workout thing up years ago.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 11:05 PM  

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